More than 176 thousand citizens of Lithuania, Latvia and Poland have visited Grodno region since the beginning of the visa-free period. The most popular "green corridor" among Lithuanians - Новости Волковыска и района, газета "Наш час"

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Вторник, 18 Октября 2022 14:27

More than 176 thousand citizens of Lithuania, Latvia and Poland have visited Grodno region since the beginning of the visa-free period. The most popular "green corridor" among Lithuanians

More than 176 thousand citizens of Lithuania, Latvia and Poland have visited Grodno region since the beginning of the visa-free period. The "green corridor" is the most popular among Lithuanians.

It should be reminded that neighbours from the Baltic states have been allowed visa-free entry to Belarus since April 15, and since July 1, Poles have had such an opportunity.

Despite the constant and undisguised attempts of the political leadership of Lithuania, Latvia and Poland to discourage the population of their countries from traveling to Belarus, ordinary citizens don’t trust the biased "tales" of governments about the insecurity of being in our country too much. On numerous Internet resources, you can easily find a lot of reviews from foreigners about how hospitable Belarusians are, with what warmth and respect they greet all visitors.

Thousands of Lithuanians, Latvians, Poles have seen this for themselves. Over the past week, from October 10 to October 16, more than 6,500 foreigners passed through the checkpoints for which the Grodno and Smorgon border groups are responsible, as well as the Lida border guard, with the largest percentage being Lithuanian citizens. For example, more than 3,440 foreigners passed through the checkpoints of the Smorgon Border Group, of which almost 3,000 were Lithuanian citizens. And the flow of guests from abroad is only increasing.

In turn, Belarus welcomes everyone openly and kindly. Whatever happens in the geopolitical arena, our country publicly declares that maintaining good-neighbourly relations is above all political ambitions. And the visa–free traveling for citizens of neighbouring countries is a vivid confirmation of the peaceful policy of Belarus.

Open borders not unreasonably attract citizens of the Baltic states and Poland to us. Progressive inflation, a rapid rise in food and raw materials prices, a shortage of energy resources – the situation in Europe is unenviable. And whether it will still be! According to experts, the eurozone economy is unlikely to show growth next year.

Meanwhile, trips to Belarus are beneficial for neighbours. Here they can buy quality products at affordable prices. Developing cross–border trade - to help. And now, in the season of agricultural fairs, it is even possible to profitably replenish the bins with fresh vegetables at a "delicious" price. Such trade is organized in all districts of the region.

Citizens of neighbouring countries are also willing to travel to take advantage of our tourist services. Excellent infrastructure, reconstructed sights breathing history, fascinating brand events leave only the most pleasant impressions.

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